Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hillary's Gun Control Record

What does Hillary's gun control record look like?

Well, to be frank, It’s not good.

In a recent article, National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre wrote that, "As a ‘progressive’ senator, [Clinton] ranks among the handful of the worst ‘F’-rated gun banners who voted to support the kind of gunpoint disarmament that marked New Orleans’ rogue police actions against law-abiding gun owners in the anarchistic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina."

Clinton has also supported legislation to create a national registration for handguns and lent her face and name to the anti-gun Million Mom March.

Yet as a presidential candidate, Clinton claims to support the Second Amendment. She’s called for a vague gun summit, in which "everybody comes together on all sides of this issue." When pressed on the question of gun control, she admitted only to opposing "illegal guns."

Maybe Clinton's record on guns is best summed up by New York Times columnist Gail Collins, who recently wrote, "Clinton used to be very vocal about gun control when she was running for Senate in New York, but now [that she’s a presidential candidate], there's nothing about it on her Web site."

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