Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Register To Vote Or Register Your Guns

I know this is a couple of days old but I just felt that I needed to share this with you. Join the NRA and vote freedom first.

Register To Vote Or Register Your Guns -- The Choice Is Yours

Friday, February 29, 2008

In 1994, a race for the U.S. House was decided by four votes. In 1998, a U.S. Senate race was decided by 400 votes out of 400,000 cast. In 2002, an anti-gun candidate won a state primary in Arizona by five votes. Last year, a pro-gun State Senator in Virginia was re-elected by less than 100 votes. And of course, in the 2000 presidential election, 537 votes in Florida elected George Bush U.S. President over Al Gore.

Think one vote doesn't count? History is replete with examples such as these that demonstrate the importance of every single vote.

No doubt, many elections this year will be determined by the slimmest of margins. Will your vote make the difference? To ensure that pro-gun candidates prevail, NRA-ILA has launched an aggressive voter registration drive.

One of the most important components of this endeavor is a new webpage—www.nraila.org/vote2008—that will provide you with all of your voter registration needs. Here are some of the many features you will find at www.nraila.org/vote2008:

Voter registration applications that can be completed, downloaded, and mailed to your elections officer to ensure gun owners are registered to vote;
Information on election dates and corresponding deadlines for the general and primary elections;
Links to identify and contact your local Election Volunteer Coordinator so you can work with NRA members and gun owners in your area to elect pro-Second Amendment lawmakers to office;
Ability to identify "Second Amendment Activist Centers" in your state to retrieve NRA-ILA materials;
Link to purchase your official NRA-ILA campaign yard sign, and;
All of the information and links currently found at www.NRAILA.org, and more!
Registering to vote is not only the most important step gun owners can take to ensure victory in the 2008 elections. It is also one of the easiest.

Visit www.nraila.org/vote2008 today for all your voter registration needs. And, please, forward this link to all of your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to ensure they are registered to vote as well.

(From the NRA-ILA news letter)

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