Thursday, March 20, 2008

SCOTUS Hears 2nd Amendment Case

This week, the Supreme Court of the United States will begin hearing arguments in Heller v. District of Columbia to decide the constitutionality of the 1976 District of Columbia law banning people there from possessing handguns.

The core issue is whether the Second Amendment is an individual right or one granted to states to establish militias.

"The District of Columbia's fight to preserve its nearly 32-year-old ban on handguns before the U.S. Supreme Court has drawn nationwide attention as a bellwether vote on the limits of gun control," the Washington Times reported. "The rarity of the case and the potential consequences of the ruling account for the widespread attention it has received. Nearly 70 amicus briefs have been filed on behalf of more than 320 members of Congress, 36 states and other interested parties on both sides of the case."

No group will watch the case more closely than the National Rifle Association.

"If you look at the briefs that have been filed on this case, the congressional brief is truly historic," said Wayne LaPierre, NRA executive vice president. "What you see there is the people's branch of government weighing in that it's the people's freedom, and they want it protected.

"It's an important, watershed case. There's absolutely no doubt about that."

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