Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dont Lose Sight of 2nd Amendment Rights

Here's a great bit of commentary by Linda Turley-Hansen - Grumpy

With Super Tuesday coming at us, we best adhere to the doctrine of “caveat emptor,” Latin for “let the buyer beware.” Perhaps a simpler idiom describes the potential pitfall: Bush backlash could render “a pig in a poke.” Turn your attention to the deafening silence in regards to the Second Amendment. Where do the presidential front-runners stand concerning private ownership of firearms? No matter their view on immigration, health care, the economy or the war, no matter which party they belong to, if they cannot support the Second Amendment as it has been interpreted since its conception, then they don’t qualify.For this writing, I go to the expert, the much-maligned National Rifle Association. Its research shows it’s “the most mainstream group in American culture today.” NRA President John Sigler said in the January issue of America’s 1st Freedom. “Almost 40 million Americans consider themselves to be current or former NRA members.” So folks, this organization is the watchdog for a huge American segment and whether you like its ways or not, it’s willing to fight a fight that potentially could create, heavens forbid, the next civil war.My views on gun ownership are locked into my DNA. My forefathers and mothers are among those who settled the West; they are noted peace-makers; their guns secured in their wagons or on their saddle horses gave them equity in the wild and opportunity to build unity among factions. Without arms, they were underdogs, vulnerable and subject to death. Today’s world offers realistic comparisons. It cannot be an accident that gun control is virtually non-existent in the election debate, nor is it possible that guru interviewers have forgotten there’s a globalist movement to disarm U.S. citizens. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re the big game. We’re in the sights of well-funded activists. You’ll want to remember the name Rebecca Peters, who is in bed with the United Nations. Look up IANSA at has enjoyed George Soros’s funding on this matter and most likely still does. The bunch uses all the right words, but their intent can be found in places they’ve been. They’ll tell you that Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom are safer now that the citizens have been disarmed. Those would be the good, not the bad citizens. However, Media Research Center and countless others point out their numbers simply are not factual. Check out to our candidates: Executive Vice President Wayne La Pierre, in America’s 1st Freedom, Feb. 2008, says, “Both Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are lying in saying they support the Second Amendment.” Then, he recounts their incriminating views and predicts if either one wins, “Peters and her boss, George Soros, will be writing the gun control agenda.”Isn’t it strange that this basic civil right splits the party lines with only a few exceptions? On the other side, Republican front-runners support the Second Amendment and insist sufficient laws are already in place to address gun crimes, they just need vigorous enforcement.Several ASU coeds, anxious to understand the political process, asked me this week: “How can government actually take citizen guns away?” I explained: “It’s easy once everyone has registered their weapons.” That’s how it happened in Australia. When the call came for guns to be handed over, the authorities knew where to find them. Supposedly innocent, allegedly well-intended rules closed the deal.Look, in a perfect world there should not be one weapon. We should be able to lie down with the lions, next to the lambs; pluck food from trees and vines. We should love one another and never speak a harsh word. But, until that day, only a fool would give up his personal protection. Every living thing has the right of self-preservation.One last truth: As a woman, whose vote is coveted, I innately desire to protect myself and my family if I must. As noted in past columns, I’ve taken my adult daughter to gun camp and side-by-side we’ve learned safety measures and skills to hit our targets. My granddaughters will one day join us.The next step is to make sure our votes support a candidate who values our rights to own and carry just as much as we do.

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