Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ted Nugent USA and the Archery in the Schools Program

Ted Nugent USA and the Archery in the Schools Program

In the words of the Whackmaster himself, “Ted Nugent United Sportsmen of America (TNUSA) is an organization of families working together as a tribe, united by the Native American Blood-Brother badge of honor, to promote family, community, God and country, hunting, fishing, trapping, resource management, and the God-given rights and freedoms deep in our hearts, guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America, via the hands-on environmental awareness and education crusade, to clean up mother earth for a higher quality life for future generations. We believe in the Spirit of the Wild".
Here in northern Michigan, TNUSA of Michigan has been thriving and helping to keep alive the vision of it’s founder, Ted Nugent, to educate the public, especially the youth of Michigan in the wonders of the outdoors and how we can utilize all things wild in the way Mother Nature intended, while at the same time insuring that our precious natural resources are kept intact for the enjoyment of future generations.
We are presently involved in promoting the Archery in the Schools Program and have assisted various public schools in implementing that program. We help out with the financial aspect of the program by holding various events and securing sponsors. We then donate any proceeds to the various schools so that they may be spent on the archery program.
The archery program itself is priced at $2,600.00, which is a big burden for Michigan’s already cash strapped school system. The cost of the program includes all the equipment needed to start an archery program within a given school district. This includes bows, targets, arrows and training material.
The Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources offers a grant to cover half the cost of the program, as well as free training to teachers and physical education staff.
This leaves the school district with $1300.00 that must be raised by the schools, students or outside organizations like TNUSA of Michigan.
Here in the Eastern Upper Peninsula, we are looking forward to helping schools that have already shown interest in the program and have applied for the Archery in the Schools grant. This includes area schools in Rudyard, Cedarville, Engadine and Newberry districts. We will then try to develop interest in other EUP schools as well. Our goal is to implement the program with zero cost to the schools.
TNUSA of Michigan continues to forge ahead with their success in getting kids away from the drugs, alcohol, gangs and crime that has been such a negative force in the lives of so many. Archery in the schools is just one tool in the toolbox that every school should take advantage of.
We would like to encourage School Faculty, Parents or Students that are interested in either the Archery in the Schools Program or Ted Nugent United Sportsmen of America to contact TNUSA by visiting the web site

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