Sunday, February 10, 2008

Would Hillary?

Question: Stumpy would you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Well let Stumpy think about this.

Would Hillary as president fight for Stumpy's right to keep and bear arms and make it easier for me to carry a concealed weapon what ever that weapon maybe in any state anywhere so that I may protect myself and family? NO, she would do everything possible to disarm the law abiding citizen so only criminals would be armed then give them more rights after we defend our selves if we live through the confrontation.

Would Hillary as president fight to lower taxes so that I would have more money in my pay check to spend on my family? NO, she would fight to raise taxes and by raising taxes she would say that she is taxing the RICH and companies because they make to much money and the she knows what is best to do with other's money. And by raising taxes on my company that I work for, it means less money that my company can spend on it's employees and benefits and new technology to stay competitive. And when a company has less money and needs to make more out of what money is left over after being taxed it downsizes not grows. And by downsizing I do not mean a smaller place but less people.

Would Hillary promote conservation so as to keep the hunting tradition alive in the USA? NO, she would promote the global warming religion that is infecting our nation right now. She would tell the auto industries what cars to make and tell us what we can and cannot drive. She would try to put Big Auto out of business in the name of conservation.

So the answer is no I can not and will not vote for someone whom will try to take my rights and stomp on them in the name of the greater good. I know you are thinking McCain is not much better but one can only hope that McCain sees the light and calms his left wing tendencies.
By Stumpy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right, Stumpy.
It is time for the Republican party to come together in a united effort. Sen. McCain is not perfect,
but he is the best chance that we have for victory over either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

St. Ann's, NYNY