Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Gun Owners; Brace Yourself

Yesterday was "Super Tuesday". Woo Hoo!

Right now all we hear about in the news is the latest in the presidential primary elections.

But lets look ahead, shall we. With no real pro-gun candidate that stands a chance in Hades of winning, The near future could be grim.

If you are a gun owner, get ready. The new president will be sworn in before 12 short months have come and gone.

Do you think your hunting rifle will be immune from new gun legislation? Wrong.
How about your trap and skeet gun? wrong.

Law abiding citizens who hunt, collect or otherwise engage in firearms activities will all end up being demonized for the owning of a firearm.

As I watched the news,just five hours after an idiotic criminal went on his killing spree at Virginia Tech., it was already starting.
The press was already calling for more gun control. More gun laws.
See, that's the problem with criminals. They do not follow laws.

Typical of the Liberal mainstream press such as CBS, ABC, NBC and even Fox News,
all legal and law abiding gun owners are too often chastised.
When was the last time you saw anything good reported by these useful idiots concerning gun ownership or protecting our constitutional rights?

We are almost without exception portrayed as stupid rednecks and members of some radical militia group,hell bent on drinking Jack Daniels and overthrowing the government.

Come 2009, Liberals will be hell bent on trading our constitutional rights for the illusion of safety. Most of the 80,000,000 gun owners in this country will be too limp wristed or weak spined to even try to do something about it.

I started hunting when I turned 11 years old. I have owned firearms all of my life. Right now I own over 40 of them, Including
AK-47's, Glocks, SKS's and a whole lot of other guns that the press has demonized over the years.

In my 43 years of existence, I have never seen a firearm jump up of the table or out of a closet and try to kill somebody on it's own.
It just doesn't happen. It cannot happen. a gun is nothing more than an inanimate object. It is a tool that is used for certain situations for which it is required.
Nothing more, nothing less.
People kill people, period. They have been killing each other since Cain and Abel. Oh yeah, that's right. the liberals don't want the Bible mentioned either. Sorry about that slip up. Not really.

When you made breakfast this morning, Who did the cooking? The frying pan? Nope. The Spatula? Not a chance.
YOU DID. You provided the aforethought. You grabbed that Chicken fetus out of refrigerator and violently cracked it up side the pan and watched as it slid out of the shell and sizzled on hot steel. Take some responsibility, people. Jeesh.

Every single time I have fired any of my firearms, I have done it. The firearm never fired on it's own.
I have fired each and every one of the literally hundreds of thousands of rounds that I have fired on purpose.
Not one was fired in anger. But the point is that I, Myself fired them. The firearm did not.

I believe people should be held responsible for their own actions. I dont believe that a certain job or income level absolves a person from responsibility.

We do have a problem in this country, but it does not have anything to do with guns. It has to do with morality.

Nuff said. - Grumpy

1 comment:

Stumpy said...

You are so right. We need to hold our reps more accountable than we do as gun owners.